Top 10 Ways YOU Can Support Our Mission

  1. Make a Financial Donation
  2. Organize a Fundraiser. Bake sales. Penny wars. Jeans Day at the office. Benefit concerts. The options are as endless as the fun. Let us know what you have in mind… Maybe we can help. 
  3. Hold a Collection Drive for/or Donate Items From Our Holiday Wish List
  4. Help Us Raise Awareness. Invite us to share our story with your service organization, community group, place of worship, or business. “Like” Project 16:49 on Facebook, and ask your friends to do the sam
  5. Host a Friend-Raiser Party. Introduce us to your friends. Get your friends together to learn more about Project 16:49 and how they can support our efforts, too. Contact us for ideas and to schedule someone to attend.
  6. Open Your Heart and Home. Become a Safe Families for Children host home for a teen without one. For more information, visit, or contact Nicole Zorn or (262) 686-3081.
  7. Become a Mentor. A little time can make a big difference in a child’s life. Apply to be a Big Brothers Big Sisters “Big” at or call (608) 362-8223.
  8. Volunteer at Your Local Shelter. Shelters rely on the support of volunteers. Contact the House of Mercy, (608) 754-0045.
  9. Support Your Local School District’s Homeless Liaisons. Help meet the basic and academic needs of all homeless students. In Beloit, contact Robin Stuht at (608) 361-3364. In Janesville, or for contact information in other Rock County communities, contact Carrie Kulinski at (608) 751-7779.
  10. Challenge Stereotypes about the Homeless. 40% of the homeless are children. Learn more about the homelessness issue and become an advocate.